Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yes, That!

It’s the case of the runaway penis, the case of the runaway penis, the case of runaway penis, oooh yeah!

It’s sloppy, it’s droopy, it’s floppy and flimsy and crimp'y, and my oh my, its smells so sad…

Lets chop it, or flop it or even better let’s just drop it, it’s the runaway penis after all!

Don’t let’s talk it, or discuss, just cuss it, or bust it….oh it has to be that bad…..

It’s the case of the runaway penis, the case of the runaway penis, the case of runaway penis, oooh yeah!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I am no woman anymore. I have no breasts, no genitals suchlike to match and no long hair. "If anyone asks, tell them it is because I have lost my soul.” “And I am sure my lost soul feels tainted without me.” Expression of love, angst, love, happiness, sadness, love and extreme loneliness governs the priority and the music I hear allows my hapless self to sink and drown. I no more need to feel shy, the feeling lingers on the tips and within his nails as he keeps on grazing. An escape route would be shallow, but as I am no more woman, but more and I am, that, is there still.      

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


An open mind, bubbling water and a glass flask with green liquid inside. Would you care to ask how I feel? Happy, empty, androgynous, concerned, sensitive, ambitious, sexual and yes of course belittled and common. I wrote on the first month of the year and I write again in the last, two people asked me, “You don’t write anymore?” I don’t remember what I said. Significance is like molten chocolate or good sex, after it has happened consumption is the only option. I was hopeful at the starting of the year, weak, vulnerable and gauging the height of muck in an open drain, I am energetic, spirited, lazy yet hopeful again. But the significance and intolerance of stillness that I fear stalls me. “Make me come baby, make me come, to the rhythm of life.”